Creating Cover For A Journal. What Would Anyone Do without

Write those thoughts!

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It didn’t take me a long time to create the cover of the Journal, and it’s always great to see one project end and work on another. I had a hard time though the image right on the template sent to me by Ingramspark.  

At times, I was pulling my hair out because my print-on-demand platform Ingramspark kept rejecting my files. One slight or centimeter off, and you see that dreaded notification, the famous error message after a visual inspection. I contacted an artist on, and she’s been a great help. So coming soon! My Journal @

What elements from my life that were weaved throughout my books?

How do You build?

Some elements of my life I’ve weaved into the novels I’ve written so far are the following:

  1. I’m not writing to become famous, so I don’t know how to react or handle the fame, and I’m not a fan of the media.
  2. I would have some issues with the paparazzi.
  3. I live in big victorian style home. It’s so large people are surprised at its space. My protagonist, Tammy, lives in a similar home in Chelsea, London. I have a love for art in paintings and does the main character.
  4. I have a small group of friends, and that applies to the main character.
  5. I’m five feet ten inches tall with brown curly hair, and Tammy Luck has a similar description.
  6. I’m always writing some things with a pen or pencil. The detective has the same habit.
  7. I love to wear white starched shirts, and Tammy is a fan of the white shirt too.
  8. I had a relationship and knew my dad. Tammy, on the other hand, her father died in Vietnam.
  9. My home has a bay window, and so does Tammy’s.


I’ll share some of the deadly sins in the publishing industry, but I am sure there are more.

  1. What does showing verses telling mean? I believe you have to write some telling at some moment in your draft but avoid it for real. On my first draft, I wrote the first novel with a lot of ”telling.” I learned fast with a great book on how to show my characters at work, and it’s been amazing ever since.
  2. Don’t send anything to Hollywood without copyright. Please pay for the copyright; it’s worth not having pain. The late singer Marvin Gaye’s children won a 7 million dollar lawsuit because the producers failed to ask for permission.
  3. Check every word you write if you have a spelling challenge. Check it even if you don’t. Use the dictionary on your phone or have several paperback-ready.
  4. Please be ready to pitch your novel, book, play, or presentation in five minutes or less. After writing my novels, I can share with anyone in less than three minutes what’s the story about and why I wrote the books.
  5.  Covers sell books before the words do. Don’t forgo a great artist. There are many out there waiting for us to use their genius.
  6. Be confident. Beatrix Potter didn’t give up, and the rest of publishing history for children’s books couldn’t do their best without her gift.
  7. Don’t forgo conferences. I plan on attending ones dealing especially with crime and thrillers. It’s a great networking tool. Show great interest in the people who can buy your work but not because they can. It’s great to research their biographies.



I’ve sent off one of my files to a publisher to share the journal I created and plan to share it with the world. The journal creation came as a result of remembering something I heard several years ago. After seeing other people selling journals, it didn’t occur to me that I could develop one. After all these years, I’d been sitting on an idea and did nothing. Or I should say, I wasn’t thinking about it by way of publication. I’m happy to announce, The Journal’s release is soon to the world.

It’s great I was sitting on an idea for years in my mind and didn’t act on it until the last year, 2020. I’m grateful I took the plunge. Recently, I read a quote. ”A dream come through the greatness of a task…” [Ecclesiastes 5:3] What a profound statement indeed. If you don’t act, you don’t see results.



If you want anything in life, you have to work for it. You can’t be complacent. I’ve been on this writing journey for some time, and it keeps me going, and it’s great to have something you love to do. I’m overcoming a health challenge in my life, but I’m happy that I have my writing.  

I can’t imagine sitting at home for almost two years doing nothing. I’m, however, looking forward one day soon to sharing my passion and role with my number one fan, the man I planned on marrying.  

I haven’t met him yet, but I know what I need. You won’t find me on dating sites. I’m too much like a detective, and after all, I’ve worked in finance. I’m not going to share what this ideal man will look like, but he’s to be creative and a traveler for sure. 

I’m better at meeting people in conferences, teas for short. When I’m in my element, I’m freer to express myself. I might be at a medical convention for research for the novels. Who knows, what I’ve learned about life so far is not the take myself so seriously but to be cautious.



My bedroom is my favorite room, and I love it. Here are few examples of why? The character of my bedroom is greater than the average dining room. Its width is three times the size of an average English kitchen. I have a bay window that is about six-nine inches tall.

I have a double white bed in the centre and a white freestanding wardrobe, and a white capsule to hang those blouses in a straight row.

If I wanted, I could fit a chaise near the bay window. It’s in the plan. My duvet is fluffy and spreads on white sheets with navy pillowcases complimented by Zara Homes and Next.

What can I tell you about the stationery? I’ve got an HP printer looking at me. An orange metal hole puncher sees my face every morning. In addition, there are tons of printing papers on the side table once used for a television. Oh yes, I don’t have a television in the space, and that’s on purpose. A girl can’t be too distracted if she wants to sell a novel!

Oh, I must not forget my friends called the books. I have a reading challenge. I haven’t finished, ‘The American Duchess,’ ‘Before Wallis, Hemingway & Fitzgerald,’ but oh boy! I take into my arms one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. ‘As I See It,’ by John Paul Getty Sr. 

I’m sorry to say there are books on business and wealth, but his version is the best.

Let me not forget the walls. Oh, I’ve welcomed Marilyn Monroe since 2016 and received a canvas painting of a beautiful black model from one of my dear friends here in the U.K who can paint her socks off. Last but not least, my vision board from 2014, all the way from the U.S.A, hangs on the door with the beginning word ”Movie…



Be careful of scammers pretending to be potential marital partners. Women walk in a powerful position so let me explain it further. Men are not born to be by themselves. They are ordained to receive a helper. Your assignment as a helper is to prepare you to reach the world with your potential husband.  

It is clear that as a woman, you are not equal when you are both apart but powerful when you both are together as one. We are strong together and not weak together.

A woman presented to her husband. Dating sites for women are out of order. The exceptions are the site owners preparing those women to be equal helpers for their potential husbands. For example, Queen Esther was coached for twelve months and met her King.   

When she stood in his presence, he knew she was the one. The one prepared to be his equal as one unit to work in the kingdom affairs. Together as one, they must have the same mission. The mission must be the same for the covenant to flow easily. 

We, women, are the prize and are the relationship’s equal marriage prize. For instance, You must both know why you were born? Something they don’t teach in schools nor universities. What is your calling?

You must date a person who matches your calling in your life. When you think about it, Queen Esther had twelve months to think about her role in the King’s life. What was her contribution to the kingdom affairs of governing? I say that’s a powerful position. Think about those twelve months of preparation. How am I preparing myself with my abilities to help my King [Husband.] I am not talking about sex and outward beauty.

We have to power to make our King or Husband great. Thereby we’re making ourselves great. For example, If presented to an Orthopedic Surgeon, what would my role be?

I’m a writer. I would be able to write his speeches and even give many talks.

Mosheh’s wife Tsipporah was a leading businesswoman for her father when she met him. She joined forces with him in her work as a helper to her father’s business, and as Mosheh’s wife, enabled him to become a great leader in Yisrael. [Israel]