We attend and graduate from college or University. Some of us travel to the workplace to take care of our responsibilities, but is that your destiny? We were never born just to pay bills and maybe go on vacation twice annually.
Destiny is geographical. On occasion, you’ll have to leave. No time for looking for jobs, you must find your destiny.

So what is destiny? It is the one thing that only you can fulfill on earth to do. You were never trained for it; you were created for it. For example, one of several men was a challenge for Hitler. One noted man was Dietrich Bonhoeffer but was hanged at the age of thirty-five when he stood up against evil.
Destiny looked like when Jesse Jackson whether loving him or hate him, was the one person Saddam Hussein wanted to talk with before the gulf war. Destiny gave us a breath of fresh air when we discovered three African American women held to launch the United States into space as we watched ‘Hidden Figures.’

On a personal note, Destiny has given me the insight and foresight to know that the nations could return every worker to high paying jobs within twenty-four hours or even two months because the world is not running out of resources. It’s not being utilized well.

Moreover, What are some other examples of destinies flourished and celebrated? I’m glad you asked. Here I’ll share some videos to give you an idea. Enjoy!

One of the greatest voices. A picture of destiny.
From humble beginnings in England, no looking back. A true gift and carries out his destiny well.
At fifty, the lady looks thirty years old. Born to grace the fashion industry.
A bold date with destiny that hasn’t been forgotten.
My most favorite classical song.
A long way from Wales but what a destiny!
An effortless road to destiny.

What would have happened to this destiny fulfiller had he took the road to the coal mine?

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