In the middle of writing a couple scenes for the next project, I heard this message of motivation that tickled my ears. It was a confirmation of why I’m doing what is the lease effort because I’m using my gift. Sometimes you need the reminder of why you’re doing something. Will there be results at the end? I trust it will be there.


I have a story for you!

Within the United Kingdom, I hear people aiming to get on what they call ‘The Property Ladder, and in the United States, we call it ‘The American Dream.’ Most times, we first aim to get the deposit, but in my finance book, I encourage the reader that is not the first thing they should do or think about doing.

The book is currently in the first draft phase. As a disclaimer, I’m not a financial advisor, but I’m sharing strategies and insights. If I’d know years ago, I would have implemented them for myself. Back in 2008, I heard how so many people lost their homes because of the CRASH. Some weren’t able to afford the mortgages because of subprime lending. Other people lost their jobs from California to Georgia and worldwide.

I, for myself, though, had I stayed the course, I could have purchased three homes with cash with investment proceeds, but I wasn’t ready. Inside my finance book, the title might raise a few eyebrows but not worry. As you go through the book, the title will become clear. I will be putting my words first into an Ebook, and bear with me as you search through the pages. For an excerpt, I’ll share one of the elements inside the book most people overlook when purchasing the home of their dreams.  

Briefly, In one of the chapters, I entitle it ‘Buckets of Wealth.’ 

In short, I explain there are fifteen buckets of wealth to purchasing a home that most people might not have thought. The hint is one of the buckets is first patience. Another is reputation. What do you bring to the table before you ask to get to the table? Do you have a good name, and I’m not talking about a mere credit score?  



I shouldn’t say currently, I’m reading ‘The American Duchess’ because it is weekly progress. I have a few projects I’m writing on, and my head gets buried one issue after the other. But I’m not complaining. I just wanted you all to know my followers that I haven’t forgotten to write helpful stuff for you.

This past week, I’m keeping my nose into the life of Mrs. Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor. One quick note, I’ve wondered, after all these years of being married to the former king who was a Windsor, why do they still refer to her as Mrs. Simpson?

I want to send a shout-out to the author of the book, Anna Pasternak. She has a delightful voice as an author, and I do hear it. Anna is truly a professional with no aim of wanting nothing but to set the record straight and not throwing the Duchess under the bus.

So how does reading this book or any other help me to write? I write fiction, but I’m delving into the non-fiction world as well. You might have heard some scoffing that Mrs. Simpson wasn’t in love with the Duke, but I beg to disagree. With the Duchess’s own words from letters, diaries, and interviews, Anna Pasternak writes lines like, ‘…Some day, of course, I must learn to be always alone for I will be in my heart also I must develop [the ]strength to look at papers containing your photographs and accounts of your activities… p. 84.

To continue the words that give me as a writer encouragement, Anna penned this line from the lips of the Duchess. ‘…he can’t bring himself to marry without loving…’ Id., 84. In addition, For business, my mentor at this time is John Paul Getty Sr. with his autobiography, ‘As I See It.’


First, my finance book will be colorful, short, and sweet. The paragraphs won’t have prolonged repetitive statements. I will be getting to the point with short call-out graphics from Canva that will be easy on the eyes. I most definitely will be hiring a graphic artist for the cover. I take it seriously. I’m offering value.

My aim is the make the visuals and statements rememberable. There should be no need for the reader to lower their head and squeeze their chin. For instance, I don’t want them to say, what did she mean? Or, scratch any heads asking, What is she trying to help us?

As I go through some steps in the creation, I will keep you informed on its progress. I share this will you as a tease. Why I’m creating such a book? Because I hate hearing millennials won’t be able to leave their parent’s homes or buy one themselves. 

 I also heard of struggles some find in ‘climbing the property ladder,’ as they call it in the United Kingdom. Some have also put doubts in their minds as to whether they can achieve such a goal or dream. I don’t believe that, and so I’ll share my strategy. Here is a sneak peek into the first draft of the interior of the book. 

Creating Cover For A Journal. What Would Anyone Do without FFiver.com?

Write those thoughts!

Please visit my website below, and thank you.

It didn’t take me a long time to create the cover of the Journal, and it’s always great to see one project end and work on another. I had a hard time though the image right on the template sent to me by Ingramspark.  

At times, I was pulling my hair out because my print-on-demand platform Ingramspark kept rejecting my files. One slight or centimeter off, and you see that dreaded notification, the famous error message after a visual inspection. I contacted an artist on FFiver.com, and she’s been a great help. So coming soon! My Journal @ https://www.margaretpoliver.com



If you want anything in life, you have to work for it. You can’t be complacent. I’ve been on this writing journey for some time, and it keeps me going, and it’s great to have something you love to do. I’m overcoming a health challenge in my life, but I’m happy that I have my writing.  

I can’t imagine sitting at home for almost two years doing nothing. I’m, however, looking forward one day soon to sharing my passion and role with my number one fan, the man I planned on marrying.  

I haven’t met him yet, but I know what I need. You won’t find me on dating sites. I’m too much like a detective, and after all, I’ve worked in finance. I’m not going to share what this ideal man will look like, but he’s to be creative and a traveler for sure. 

I’m better at meeting people in conferences, teas for short. When I’m in my element, I’m freer to express myself. I might be at a medical convention for research for the novels. Who knows, what I’ve learned about life so far is not the take myself so seriously but to be cautious.