I shouldn’t say currently, I’m reading ‘The American Duchess’ because it is weekly progress. I have a few projects I’m writing on, and my head gets buried one issue after the other. But I’m not complaining. I just wanted you all to know my followers that I haven’t forgotten to write helpful stuff for you.

This past week, I’m keeping my nose into the life of Mrs. Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor. One quick note, I’ve wondered, after all these years of being married to the former king who was a Windsor, why do they still refer to her as Mrs. Simpson?

I want to send a shout-out to the author of the book, Anna Pasternak. She has a delightful voice as an author, and I do hear it. Anna is truly a professional with no aim of wanting nothing but to set the record straight and not throwing the Duchess under the bus.

So how does reading this book or any other help me to write? I write fiction, but I’m delving into the non-fiction world as well. You might have heard some scoffing that Mrs. Simpson wasn’t in love with the Duke, but I beg to disagree. With the Duchess’s own words from letters, diaries, and interviews, Anna Pasternak writes lines like, ‘…Some day, of course, I must learn to be always alone for I will be in my heart also I must develop [the ]strength to look at papers containing your photographs and accounts of your activities… p. 84.

To continue the words that give me as a writer encouragement, Anna penned this line from the lips of the Duchess. ‘…he can’t bring himself to marry without loving…’ Id., 84. In addition, For business, my mentor at this time is John Paul Getty Sr. with his autobiography, ‘As I See It.’

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